Benefits of Joining CAPT!!!
There is no better time to join the Colorado Association of Permit Technicians. CAPT is an exciting and educational organization designed to help Permit Technicians succeed in their profession by helping with training, networking and educational opportunities.
Membership in CAPT has many benefits such as:
- Membership with a professional organization.
- Promotes and supports the ideals of the International Code Council (ICC).
- Educates members on the International Building Code, International Residential Code, other related Codes and permit and inspection procedures.
- Development of professional skills.
- Networking with other jurisdictions offering technical support.
- Permit Technician seminars.
- On site field trips.
- Meeting topics specifically designed to educate participants.
- CAPT informational newsletter offering articles on self promotion, self-motivation and educational support.
- CAPT year end election of officers and recognition luncheon for all members.
- CAPT Library of resource materials needed for Permit Technician Testing.
- CAPT volunteer opportunities.
It’s easy to join, fill out and send in the application form with the appropriate fees and belong to this great organization.