Section 1. This organization shall be known as the Colorado Association of Permit Technicians, Incorporated. The organization shall also be known as a chapter of the International Code Council.
Section 2. The objectives of the organization are:
To support, organize and participate in educational seminars and training programs relating to practices, procedures, administration and enforcement of permitting activities.
To advance the standardization of this profession, within the jurisdictions engaged in building, land use and development regulations.
To promote the value and recognition of Permit Technicians.
To encourage the application of distinctive knowledge and skills of the permit technician for the benefit of the community.
To apply knowledge and experience necessary for the protection of public welfare in areas relative to building safety.
To research and discuss the principles of health and safety as they apply to the location, construction and occupancy of buildings and related structures.
To develop and promote the adoption of codes published or endorsed by the International Code Council and to assist in the development and promotion of uniform regulations and legislation pertaining to building construction.
To be contributing members of the International Code Council and to pursue uniformity in code interpretation, administration and enforcement.
To do all such other things as are incidental to, or desirable for, the attainment of the organization’s objectives.
Section 1. There shall be the following classes of membership:
(a) CLASS A MEMBER. A designated representative of any governmental agency involved in the administration of codes, laws and ordinances relating to building construction. The governmental entity served shall have adopted a model building code or use a model building code as a basis in the formulation of a local code. Class A members shall be designated in writing by the governmental entity being served. Class A members may, in writing, transfer full membership powers by proxy to a subordinate staff member. A governmental entity shall have only one Class A member. A Class A member shall have only one vote regardless of the number of entities served.
(b) CLASS B MEMBER. Any member, other than the designated Class A member, of a governmental agency engaged in the administration of codes, laws and ordinances. One designated Class B member from each governmental entity served shall be entitled to vote.
(c) PROFESSIONAL/ASSOCIATE MEMBER. Any individual or firm engaged in the practice of architecture, engineering, research, construction, inspection or related building activity interested in the objectives of this organization.
(d) STUDENT MEMBER. Any individual enrolled in classes or a course of study occupying at least twelve (12) hours of classroom instruction per week and interested in the objectives of this organization.
(e) HONORARY MEMBER. An individual who has rendered outstanding and meritorious services in the furtherance of the objectives of this organization. This person shall be proposed and confirmed by the Board of Directors, and honored during the installation ceremony of the Annual Business Meeting.
(f) RETIRED MEMBER. Any former member, who has retired.
Section 2. All membership classifications shall be subject to review by the Board of Directors.
Section 3. All members shall be entitled to participate in meetings and for the purpose of bringing up matters for discussion, shall include the making and seconding of motions. Only Class A members and designated Class B members shall be entitled to vote.
Section 1. There shall be a Board of Directors, hereinafter called the Board, who shall have the authority to carry on the business of the Association between meetings.
Section 2. The Board shall be made up of seven (7) members who shall be Class A or B members at the time of their election. Not more than two A or B members may serve at one time from any one governmental entity.
Section 3. There shall be two (2) officers of the Board who shall consist of President and Vice President who shall be elected for a one-year term at the Annual Association Business Meeting. The Board shall appoint a Treasurer who shall either be a Class A or B member and shall serve a one-year term. The immediate Past President shall also serve on the Board. The other three (3) shall be elected at large for a one-year term.
Section 4. The Board may appoint an assistant to the Vice President, an auditor and such others as may be needed to conduct the affairs of the Association. The Board shall meet a minimum of one (1) time per year, at the annual business meeting, and at other times as needed and called upon by the President. A majority of the Board members, four (4) shall constitute a quorum. The Board shall be limited to an expenditure of $1,000.00 at any one time without approval of the membership.
Section 5. The duties of the officers shall be:
(a) President - The President shall preside at all business meetings and meetings of the Board and shall be an ex-officio member of all committees. The President shall disseminate and communicate all information received pertinent to the organization to its members.
(b) Vice President (President Pro-tem) - The Vice President shall be the recording officer and custodian of the records of the Association except where specifically assigned to others. The duties shall include the recording of the proceedings and actions at all regular and special Association meetings and meetings of the Board. The Vice President shall keep readily available at all meetings such records as the book of minutes, a certified copy of the by-laws and roster of Association membership. The Vice President shall preside at meetings during the absence of the President and assist the President as necessary.
(c) Immediate Past President – The Immediate Past President shall serve as a resource to the officers and the Board.
(d) Treasurer - The Treasurer shall keep true and accurate accounting of all financial transactions of the Association. The Treasurer shall collect all monies and place all such receipts in such accounts and institutions as authorized by the Board. The Treasurer shall disburse funds for the payment of bills as authorized by the Board. The Treasurer shall submit the billing for annual dues to the membership each year by December 15. The Treasurer shall keep records of all transactions and shall submit financial statements at each regular Association meeting and an annual statement at the Annual Association Business Meeting.
Section 6. No Board member shall serve more than five consecutive terms in any one position. If the President is unable to serve, the Vice President shall serve in his/her stead. The positions of any other Board members unable to serve shall be filled by appointment of the Board.
Section 7. All Board members shall be elected by the membership and begin serving their terms at the Annual Association Business Meeting.
Section 1. There shall be established standing committees to assist the various functions of the Association. The standing committees and their duties shall be as follows:
Communication - is responsible for compiling the quarterly Tech Talk newsletter, overseeing the Permit Technician library, and for the design and maintenance of the Web site and/or any other requests as directed by the Board of Directors.
Corporate Affairs - is responsible for: 1) Promoting sound records management practices and for collecting and maintaining the historical records of the Association, 2) By-Laws and By-Law amendments, 3) Soliciting candidates interested in serving as officers of CAPT and for conducting the election of persons to the offices of President, Vice President and Board of Directors, and 4) Prepare the Chapter budget, prepare the corporate income tax and advise the Chapter in other corporate affairs and/or any other requests as directed by the Board of Directors.
Membership - is responsible for facilitating membership renewals, ensuring that member needs are met, and soliciting new members of the Colorado Association of Permit Technicians and/or any other requests as directed by the Board of Directors.
Program/Education - shall promote and support the ideals of the International Code Council. Conceptualize, develop and maintain all materials and programs necessary to initiate and carry on any manner of education, training, or intellectual endeavor pertaining to Building Safety Week, Colorado Construction Career Days, etc., and/or any intellectual endeavors intended to improve the performance and professionalism of any individual for the training meetings and/or any other requests as directed by the Board of Directors.
Public Relations - is responsible for marketing and promoting CAPT and the organization of community service activities and/or any other requests as directed by the Board of Directors.
Section 2. The President may establish other ad hoc committees, as he/she deems necessary. The Board shall appoint the members of each of the committees and the members of each committee shall name its Chairperson.
Section 3. The committees shall meet from time to time when called by their Chairpersons and shall report to the Association at board and business meetings.
Section 1. Regular business meetings shall be held as required. One meeting, to be known as the Annual Association Business Meeting, shall be held each calendar year in the month of November.
Section 2. Ten Class A or B Members, four of whom are not members of the Board, shall constitute a quorum for the transactions of business at regular or Annual Association Business Meeting.
Section 3. The order of business of the Regular and Annual Association Business Meetings shall be as follows:
(a) Roll Call of Officers (Quorum required)
(b) Approval of Minutes of previous Meetings
(c) Communications
(d) Reports of Officers and Committees
(e) Old Business
(f) New Business
(g) Election of Board members (Annual Association Business Meeting)
(h) Treasurer’s Report
(i) Adjournments
Section 1. The annual dues for members shall be as follows:
(a) Class A Member - 1st person (1 per jurisdiction) $25.00
(b) Class B Member - 2nd person $25.00
Class B Member - 3rd person $20.00
Class B Member - 4th person $15.00
Class B Member - 5th person $10.00
6th person and thereafter $ 5.00
(c) Professional/Associate Member $40.00
(d) Student Member $10.00
(e) Retired Member $10.00
No dues shall be charged for Honorary Members. Annual dues shall be due and payable January 1st of each year.
Section 1. Proposed amendments to these By-Laws shall be signed by at least five (5) Class A or B Members and shall be presented to the Board at least sixty (60) days before the opening of an Annual Association Business Meeting. The Board shall cause them to be printed in the Annual Association Business Meeting notice and after review shall present its recommendation at the Annual Association Business Meeting.
These proposed amendments will be discussed and may be further amended at the Annual Association Business Meeting. If passed by a two-thirds majority vote of the Class A or B members present at the Annual Association Business meeting, the By-Laws will be adopted on such date.
No part of the net earnings, if any, of this Association shall inure to the benefit of any member or other individual, and no gain, profit, or dividends shall ever be distributed to any of the members of this Association or inure to the benefit of any private persons except a fund, foundation or corporation organized and operating for charitable, scientific, literary, educational purposes, or legal defense.