Business Meeting Date: Thursday, July 25, 2024
Start Time: 8:30am
Location: Ameristar Hotel, 111 Richman Street, Black Hawk, CO
Call to Order: Theresa Campbell, President
P Theresa Campbell, President
P Audra Gerber, Vice President
P Melinda Helmer, Past President
P Lorinda Abbott, Treasurer
P Leslie Carpenter, Director
P Madison Rhea, Director
P Sara Price, Director
Theresa Campbell called the July 25, 2024, Colorado Association of Permit Technicians (CAPT) Business Meeting to order at 8:30am and called roll. Theresa noted for the record that a quorum was present. Theresa thanked the City of Black Hawk for hosting today’s business meeting and turned it over to Emily Richards, City of Black Hawk, who gave an update on the upcoming and ongoing construction in Black Hawk.
Approval of the May 9, 2024, CAPT Business Meeting Minutes.
Michael Harris, Jefferson County, moved to approve the meeting minutes of the May 9, 2024, CAPT Business Meeting. The motion, seconded by Sara Price, City of Loveland, carried with all voting in favor thereof.
A. Colorado Chapter of the ICC
Theresa gave an update on the CCICC upcoming Chapter meetings. Theresa noted the next Chapter Meeting being in Rifle on August 15-16, 2024, and added that this is the Chapter’s Summer Picnic. If anyone was interested, an RSVP would be needed. A Chapter meeting would be held October 11, 2024, in Alamosa with Energy as the meeting topic; and the Annual Business Meeting would be held this year, December 12-13, 2024, at the Broadmoor in Colorado Springs. There was also a reminder that the Chapter offers free
weekly Energy Code training on Wednesdays from Noon to 1pm. The training in August would be on Commercial Lighting & Electrical.
B. International Code Council
With regards to ICC, this year’s Annual Conference and Expo will be held October 20-23, 2024, in Long Beach, California. ICC has scholarships available, and the person chosen will have an opportunity to attend this conference. ICC also offers a 60–90-minute training every Wednesday with earned CEU’s. The training costs vary depending on the course with members receiving a discount and you do need to register. Topics span from Building & Fire Safety, Administration, Enforcement, Construction, and other emerging topics. If anyone is interested, you can find more information on the ICC website.
C. PermitTechNation
Melinda Helmer provided the PermitTechNation (PTN) update. The next Board Meeting is scheduled for August 21, 2024, at 9:00am and these meetings are virtual. PTN is a named sponsor of the ICC Annual Conference and Expo and the PTN Board will be in attendance. PTN is also offering the Code Specialist Webinar as well as the Complete Permit Technician course. If you’re interested in either of these training sessions, please visit their website for more information. PTN is also looking for volunteers to serve on their Board. If you’re not familiar with PTN, they have a lot of information on their website. Melinda reminded the members in attendance that as members of CAPT, they are automatically members of PTN.
Communications Committee:
Leslie Carpenter gave an update on the website/newsletter and reminded everyone that they can visit the website for information on the meeting dates, or how to become certified. She asked that anyone reach out with questions or to provide any news or information that they’d like to add to the newsletter. We are awaiting response from a member who inquired about putting together the newsletter.
Corporate Affairs:
Theresa Campbell spoke about the 2025 Election of CAPT Officers. If anyone has any nominations (or if you are personally interested) for the Board, please reach out to any member of the current Board. There will be a form going out through email for anyone who might be interested. CAPT is always looking for new Board members or anyone interested
in serving on any of the CAPT committees. If you aren’t sure, you are welcome to attend a Board meeting or contact a Board member for additional information.
Theresa added that the next Board Meeting would be held on September 18, 2024, in Arvada and the next Business Meeting would be the Annual meeting in Loveland on October 30, 2024, in which CAPT will conduct the Swearing-In/Installation of Officers.
Lorinda Abbott announced that CAPT currently has 80 members to date.
Theresa Campbell announced that CAPT’s Annual Business Meeting is being held in Loveland on October 30, 2024. The training topic will be on Building Codes for Basement Finish. Glenn Mathewson will be presenting this training. An agenda of the day will go out via email with further information.
Public Relations:
Audra Gerber gave the update on the 2024 donation. Today, there is a Silent Auction being held on donated baskets at the back of the room. All proceeds of the auction will go to Denver Veteran Food Assistance and Global Down Syndrome Foundation.
There was no old business to discuss.
Audra Gerber noted that the Board is looking to collaborate with the Colorado Chapter to accept online payments for training and membership. There will be more to come as more information is provided.
Lorinda Abbott provided CAPT’s checkbook balance and noted that as of yesterday, July 24, 2024, CAPT’s account balance is $6,873.97.
Theresa Campbell adjourned the July 25, 2024, CAPT Business Meeting at 9:00am.